Dr. Dudley has written a
series of manuals on Medicolegal Death Investigation. In addition
to helping to prepare you for certification, these publications will
serve as an important resource for you in your profession.
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Forensic Medical
Investigation Textbook

This comprehensive
review of forensic medical investigation includes a review of the
members of the forensic science team, blunt and sharp force injury and
gunshot wounds, accidental and environmental deaths, child fatalities,
sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse.
(268 pages)
Investigation Protocols
A book of protocols in
checklist format and alphabetical order for easy use in injury and death
investigation data gathering to assist in narrative documentation to
prepare reports of investigation.
(79 pages)
Basic Pathology
Specifically written for the
non-pathologist (e.g. death investigators, law enforcement officers, or
funeral directors) to explain medical terminology used by pathologists
in autopsy reports and death certificates.
(73 pages)
Case Study Workbook
This workbook presents a
forensic case study description followed by questions related to the
scenario. A separate section includes answers and discussion for
each case study.
(41 pages)
Forensic Investigations,
Certification Exam Questions - Board Review
This review book includes
questions, answers and rationale of forensic topics, medical legal
investigation of death, written by the Forensic Medical Investigation
Course faculty.
(44 pages)
Mass Fatality Management
This book outlines the
necessary components for preparation and management of mass fatalities
including administrative operations, site management, morgue operations,
bioterrorism, protocols, mass burial guidelines and family assistance
center operations.
(111 pages)
Forensic Nursing
(Read a review)
This textbook describes the
various roles and responsibilities of the forensic nurse including death
investigation, forensic nurse, coroner, sexual assault nurse examiner,
legal nurse consultant, and clinical forensic nurse specialist in
the emergency department, operating room, geriatric, pediatric,
occupational, and psychiatric or correctional settings.
(120 pages)
Download a
order form to purchase books.
Review of the First Five Manuals in the Series
Medical Investigation is a five volume series of manuals and an
intelligent body of work from a widely respected medical examiner and
pioneer in forensic nursing education. Dudley
[served] as chief medical examiner/district coroner for the
Sedgwick County (Kansas) Regional Forensic Science Center. A
Comprehensive Review was written for beginners and experienced
practitioner alike and covers an introduction to forensic science,
injury patterns, natural disease, accidental trauma, child fatality and
domestic violence. Introduction to Pathology, co-written
with Tomas Taggart, Ed.D., LELFID, director of the mortuary science
program at Mesa Community College, lays the foundation of general and
systematic pathology before delving into forensic pathology and mass
fatalities. Forensic Protocols is a hand reference manual
that compiles sample forms to report everything from a hospital death,
MVA, sexual assault or homicide. Forensic Case Studies and Certification
Exam Questionnaire are helpful study aides for investigators seeking
credentials. Taken separately or as a set, Dudley's texts are
informative without being exhaustive; the right breadth and depth for
busy professionals needing reliable information."
Forensic Nurse Magazine
January/February 2003
A Review of Forensic
Forensic Nursing is the latest
in the seven-volume Forensic Medical Investigation series of soft cover
manuals penned by the forensic pathologist responsible for creating the
first forensic medical investigation course in the U.S. in 1996.
Dudley’s nursing and medical background and comprehensive grasp of the
interlinking issues of both disciplines is evident in this body of work
that should serve as one of the essential tools in the toolkit of a
fledgling forensic nurse in particular. While serving as an excellent
basic roadmap for the forensic nurse, it is an important book for law
enforcement, forensic scientists, medical examiners and prosecutors to
better understand the complexities of forensic nursing and the
contributions it makes to the medico-legal process.
Forensic Nurse Magazine
October, 2003